As a social worker, I work with a very diverse population daily. I was blessed with a gift that helps me communicate with children on their level. I love reading to kids, sharing stories and helping them be creative and enjoy the moment.Some possible activities include making crafts, playing games, video calls, making Christmas cards for family members, and of course, decorating cookies. I am interested in helping folks get Mrs. Claus involved in more Christmas festivities. After all, Mrs. Claus runs the North Pole and is in charge of the Naughty & Nice List. I have appeared/performed at various venues including company party at Gattitown, breakfast with Mr and Mrs Claus at Joseph Beth books, and multiple home visits. I have also performed at non-profit events including the Amachi Mentor Program and senior assisted living center.I would love to help create magical memories for children of all ages, not just at Christmas, but throughout the year.